image by Angela
VARN Industries: Dog-Warriors
"This song was originally recorded during a 2C-E study a few years ago. That night, Batrick and I went out to the woods on 2C-E and I saw exactly what I describe in the song, which I recorded immediately after coming back inside from the woods. Along with the original come seven remixes by MAN3, Batrick, Magitek or Masterminded DJ. The second track was recorded the following night and stands as the post trip, musical reflection of the trip, whereas the first track is the direct audio product of the study itself. The third track also contains excerpts from one of Magitek's salvia studies. The final track is exactly what it says it is."
01. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (The Night After Remix)
02. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (The Gaps Always Form)
03. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (Adep Remix)
04. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (Toxic Jungle Remix)
05. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (The Dancing Cactus)
06. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (Gatorsnakes Remix)
07. VARN Industries - Dog-Warriors (Mastermind420 Remix)
08. VARN Industries - Nine Salvia Trips At Once
Dog-Warriors (The Night After Remix) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick] additional vocals: Batrick; remix: MAN3 . Dog-Warriors (The Gaps Always Form) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick, Magitek] additional vocals: Batrick, Magitek; remix: MAN3 . Dog-Warriors (Adep Remix) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick] additional vocals, remix: Batrick . Dog-Warriors (Toxic Jungle Remix) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick] addtional vocals: Batrick; remix: MAN3 . Dog-Warriors (The Dancing Cactus) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick] addtional vocals: Batrick; remix: MAN3 .Dog-Warriors (Gatorsnakes Remix) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick, Magitek] additional vocals: Batrick, Magitek; remix: Magitek . Dog-Warriors (Mastermind420 Remix) [lyrics: MAN3, Batrick] additional vocals: Batrick; remix: Masterminded DJ . Nine Salvia Trips At Once [lyrics: MAN3. Magitek] additional personnel: Thomas .
Produced by MAN3 / Written and performed by MAN3, except as noted / Recorded and mixed @ Oak Manor, Tampa / Art direction and design by MAN3 / Preliminary 2C-I Study held at VARN Studios, Tampa on 05-23-06 by MAN3 & Batrick / Thank you: my daughter Lilith, family, Batrick, Magitek, Masterminded DJ, Thomas, 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine, Chego, Glenn, Erin Madinger & Andrew, Hayoa Miyazaki's "NausicaƤ Of The Valley Of Wind," Matt Plummer, Genesis P-Orridge, Ray, Takomah Trail (a.k.a The Toxic Jungle), Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Trip Disk I (Jesus) & Trip Disk II (Become One With The Playhouse...), the W.T. Edwards Tuberculosis Hospital of Tallahasee / Original version of "Dog-Warriors" & "Magitek Smokes A Bowl Of Salvia To The Head" appear on VARN Industries Appendix A: 1999-2006 / Original version of "Untitledgangsta2ci" appears on the Batrick's Spy Kit album Songs For The Ambulance Bay / "Nine Salvia Trips At Once" was recorded during the Secondary Salvia Study held at VARN Studios, Tampa on 08-09-06 / VARN Catalog Number: 0A01 / "I know I'm feeling the 2C-I now, because I thought that guy on the motorcycle was hauling ass down the interstate on a bicycle." - Batrick on 08-10-06 /
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