image by Angela
VARN Industries Volume IV: Mind Expansion Kit
"This is the fourth VARN Industries album, recorded in 2004. I had just moved into the Univeristy area of Tampa, locally known as "Suitcase City" but more accurately as the 'hood. At the time, I wanted to record an experimental elctronic album (whatever that may actually be). Lots of crazy shit went down in that neighbourhood, much of which inspired the manic atmosphere and programming that the album contains. Ironically, I didn't let any of my hiphop influences shine through until after I had moved from that area of Tampa and after this album was finished."
01. VARN Industries - Active Ingredients
02. VARN Industries - 5 Hydroxytryptophan
03. VARN Industries - Absinthe
04. VARN Industries - Caffeine
05. VARN Industries - Cocaine
06. VARN Industries - Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol
07. VARN Industries - Dextromethorphen
08. VARN Industries - D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
09. VARN Industries - Ephedrine
10. VARN Industries - Gamma-Butyrolactone
11. VARN Industries - Ketamine
12. VARN Industries - Methylenedioxyamphetamine
13. VARN Industries - Morphine
14. VARN Industries - Opium
15. VARN Industries - Peyote
16. VARN Industries - St. John's Wort Aerial Parts Extract
17. VARN Industries - Valium
Active Ingredients [music: MAN3] . 5 Hydroxytryptophan [music: MAN3] . Absinthe [music: MAN3, Batrick] additional programming: Batrick . Caffeine [music: MAN3] . Cocaine [music: MAN3] . Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol [music: MAN3] vocals: Dentarg; backing vocals: The Shadow Moon Ogre-Magi . Dextromethorphen [music: MAN3] . D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide [music: MAN3] vocals: T. Gorefiend . Ephedrine [music: MAN3] . Gamma-Butyrolactone [music: MAN3] . Ketamine [music: MAN3] . Methylenedioxyamphetamine [music: MAN3] . Morphine [music: MAN3] additional musical inspiration: M. Nalley . Opium [music: MAN3] vocals: T. Gorefiend . Peyote [music: MAN3] . St. John's Wort Aerial Parts Extract [music: MAN3] . Valium [music: MAN3] .
Produced by MAN3 / Written and performed by MAN3, except as noted / Recorded and mixed @ 20th And 139th Studio, Tampa / Jaws Lunchbox: Big Blue, Crush, Feng Shun, the Medicinal Shotgun, Nautilus, Shirlock / Batrick's Kit: Altoid can, the Knuckle Pipe, the Popeye Pipe, PVC Pipe, THCD, Twinkle, Wood Joint Holder / Magitek's Kit: Big Green, Brain Drain / Thank you: my daughter Lilith, family, Batrick, Dentarg & The Shadow Moon Orge-Magi, Teron Gorefiend, Mark Nalley, The 5-6-7-8's, A Scholar & A Physician, Big Daddy, Children Of The Monkey Machine, Chris Cunningham, The Crystal Method, Defragmentation, Dieselboy, DJ Phoenix, DJ Pretzel & Overclocked ReMix (www.ocremix.org), Eight Frozen Modules, Madonna Wayne Gacy, The Heirophant (www.mansonusa.com), Isopropyl, Richard D. James, Jivemaster, Alejandro Jodorowsky's "Sante Sangre," John & Yoko, Kid Loco, KMFDM Fan, Zoe Lacchei, David Lynch's "Eraserhead," Magitek, Mazedude, Derek & Jeremy McClusky, McVaffe, the Mead's, Nightmares On Wax, Scott Peeples, Francis Picabia, Haroon Piracha (a.k.a. FFmusic DJ), Jon Plummer & Bill, Tami Premru, Push Button Objects, PxFury, Rahxephon, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Robert Rodriguez, Rory & Justine, Kurt Schwitters, Laurent Sky, DamiaN Star, The S.U.N. Project, Quentin Tarantino, Trace Dragon XVI K, Trigun, Tristan Tzara, Tyrone, Voldo, Chris Vrenna, the W.T. Edwards Tuberculosis Hospital of Tampa, the vast kaleidoscope of mind expanding chemicals on this planet / VARN Catalog Number: 0400 / "One may doubt whether the drug alone ever does this. It is perhaps only the destined adept who, momentarily freed by the dissolving action of the drug from the chain of the four lower Skandhas, obtains this knowledge which is his by right, totally inept as he may be to do so by any ordinary methods." - Aleister Crowley /
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